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What does freedom mean?

What does freedom mean?

The Covid-19 crisis has brought up a lot of emotions in people and brought out the best and the worst of human behaviour.  We’ve seen people coming together, supporting neighbours and our NHS but we’ve also been witness to a significant amount of anger and injustice...
What does it mean to live consciously?

What does it mean to live consciously?

For many of us, the period of lockdown has made us look at life in a different way and perhaps embark on new habits or learn new technology.  For some it has also brought up fears and one of the ways we can overcome these is to live more consciously. Living...
Dealing with Grief

Dealing with Grief

One of the most prevailing feelings that I have noticed among clients and friend that has been emerging during this lockdown period is grief as people have been forced to face what lies deep within them.  This grief emerges from previously unexpressed emotions and has...
Dealing with Isolation Fatigue

Dealing with Isolation Fatigue

With the weather warming up and the lockdown continuing now into its fifth week, it is only natural that frustration is starting to kick-in for some people and a sense of rebellion is in the air.  Whilst the vast majority of the public are staying indoors and taking...
The Art of Connection Through Smiling

The Art of Connection Through Smiling

I was inspired by a letter in our local paper from someone in last week’s edition about greeting others during our bouts of daily essential exercise or visits to the supermarket.  In it, Chris affirmed that a smile or wave to others that cross our paths would not...