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When something first gets discovered it’s given a label which represents the energy of that event/discovery/experience, at that moment in time.  For example, when the whole hippie-fuelled, flower-power awakening emerged, in the 1960s, it was labelled “new age”, and...
The Attitude of Gratitude

The Attitude of Gratitude

As I got myself deeply involved in another client session with a particular favourite client of mine the other day, we got to talking about how she applies her spiritual practices in her daily life and then she said, “I am grateful for this but…”. “Stop right there!”,...
The Philosophy Behind Ho’oponopono

The Philosophy Behind Ho’oponopono

The Philosophy Behind Ho’oponopono The Ho’oponopono “technique” is fundamentally about releasing self-judgement.  Now, I need to be clear here.  I have never trained in this wonderful philosophy or technique but have learned it along the way and used it on myself and...
Morphic Fields / Morphogenetics

Morphic Fields / Morphogenetics

Morphic Fields / Morphogenetics The concept of a morphogenetic field (hereafter referred to as “field”) came out of embryonic study in the early part of the 20th Century introduced initially by Dr Alexander Gurwitsch.  Its concept fundamentally relies on the...