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Below, you will find my latest blog posts.


Below, you will find details of masterclasses, webinars, courses and up-to-date news.

Does anger serve us or is it just destructive?

Does anger serve us or is it just destructive?

Anger is often seen as a bad thing but it's only truly destructive if we hold on to it - especially at subconscious levels. It eats away at us and I have found a deep correlation between anger and cancer with many I've worked with over the years. When it morphs into...

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Hope is a beggar

Hope is a beggar

We're brought up to believe that hope is a wonderful thing, indoctrinated through religions and reinforced culturally through the ages through dogma and lack of critical thinking. We need to question more instead of mindlessly repeating words and sentiments and really...

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Freedom from Dystopia – Creating a New World (Not Order)

Freedom from Dystopia – Creating a New World (Not Order)

We’ve created a narcissistic society out of the motivation to create one of balanced and healthy self-esteem. Somewhere, it took a turn into one of entitlement and it’s reflected in the fake personas that now exist in the world; seeking perfection externally in an almost androgynous complexion that is woefully compensating for an internal lack.

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A New Manifesto for a Modern World

A New Manifesto for a Modern World

The world is transforming, whether we like it or not.  This isn’t just happening to the UK, it affects us all globally.  Like all transformations, they are rarely a pleasant and easy experience and, as we ‘detox’ our collective world, so toxins are shed into the system to be released and extradited allowing for a purer and healthier system to emerge behind it.

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Darker Days Don’t Have to Mean Darker Moods

Darker Days Don’t Have to Mean Darker Moods

According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, it affects approximately 3 people in every 100 in the UK – a figure which is doubled in the US, and is most common in women of childbearing age.  It is typically three times more common in women than in men reducing as we age.

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Supporting Each Other

Supporting Each Other

Kind gestures are never wasted and we are constantly reminded in life of how we are fundamentally social beings living in a community.  This has never been more important than now when we have come through a potentially concerning time, been forced into a form of...

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To Detox or Not to Detox, That is the Question

To Detox or Not to Detox, That is the Question

Soon we will be in Stoptober, where the impetus is largely focused on giving up smoking.  However, after several months of lockdown restrictions, it’s fair to say a good deal of us have engaged in consuming a little more alcohol, coffee and cake than originally...

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Coping with Uncertainty

Coping with Uncertainty

For many, trying something new triggers a fear of change – especially in our twilight years.  There is a reluctance to changing tried and tested routines that take us away from comfort and familiarity which offer us a modicum of security in a somewhat turbulent and fast-changing world.

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What does freedom mean?

What does freedom mean?

The Covid-19 crisis has brought up a lot of emotions in people and brought out the best and the worst of human behaviour.  We’ve seen people coming together, supporting neighbours and our NHS but we’ve also been witness to a significant amount of anger and injustice...

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Below, you will find details of masterclasses, webinars, courses and up-to-date news.

Recent Interview

This is a short and recent interview, filmed live on Facebook with The Double Fifteen Minutes team on Sunday 16th August 2020, where I discuss inner transformation amongst other things.  Hope you enjoy.

Recent Interview

This is a recent podcast I did with the Divorce Goddess team on 6th March 2020, about being friends with your ex.  Although this is focused on divorce, it also goes into some of the work I do and how to transform your own relationships with ex-partners.  Hope you enjoy!