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Below, you will find my latest blog posts.


Below, you will find details of masterclasses, webinars, courses and up-to-date news.

What does it mean to live consciously?

What does it mean to live consciously?

For many of us, the period of lockdown has made us look at life in a different way and perhaps embark on new habits or learn new technology.  For some it has also brought up fears and one of the ways we can overcome these is to live more consciously. Living...

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Dealing with Grief

Dealing with Grief

One of the most prevailing feelings that I have noticed among clients and friend that has been emerging during this lockdown period is grief as people have been forced to face what lies deep within them.  This grief emerges from previously unexpressed emotions and has...

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Dealing with Isolation Fatigue

Dealing with Isolation Fatigue

With the weather warming up and the lockdown continuing now into its fifth week, it is only natural that frustration is starting to kick-in for some people and a sense of rebellion is in the air.  Whilst the vast majority of the public are staying indoors and taking...

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The Art of Connection Through Smiling

The Art of Connection Through Smiling

I was inspired by a letter in our local paper from someone in last week’s edition about greeting others during our bouts of daily essential exercise or visits to the supermarket.  In it, Chris affirmed that a smile or wave to others that cross our paths would not...

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Coping with Rejection

Coping with Rejection

Rejection is something we all experience in life whether it is within friendships, intimate relationships, family work, sports, school, hobbies or as a performer. Let’s face it, rejection can really hurt.  Particularly when you have your heart set on something or...

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Covid-19 Energetic Update

Covid-19 Energetic Update

Many of us working in the energetic fields have received information about this latest mutation of the Corona -virus and, here is what I understand it to be related to, below: The virus is related to freedom energetically. Thought to have originated from bats held in...

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Successful Goal Setting

Successful Goal Setting

Whilst it is a psychological turbo injection of motivational inspiration to start setting goals at the beginning of each new year, most of us will start losing the impetus as the weeks roll on and revert to old habits by repeating familiar cycles of self-sabotage and...

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A Message for the New Decade

A Message for the New Decade

It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating the Millennium and now we are entering the 20s in a world that is engulfed with ongoing and rapid change, almost unrecognisable to the one we lived in 20 years ago.  A new decade awaits us and what we want to get...

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Below, you will find details of masterclasses, webinars, courses and up-to-date news.

Recent Interview

This is a short and recent interview, filmed live on Facebook with The Double Fifteen Minutes team on Sunday 16th August 2020, where I discuss inner transformation amongst other things.  Hope you enjoy.

Recent Interview

This is a recent podcast I did with the Divorce Goddess team on 6th March 2020, about being friends with your ex.  Although this is focused on divorce, it also goes into some of the work I do and how to transform your own relationships with ex-partners.  Hope you enjoy!