by Caroline Cousins | Mar 17, 2020 | Uncategorized
Many of us working in the energetic fields have received information about this latest mutation of the Corona -virus and, here is what I understand it to be related to, below: The virus is related to freedom energetically. Thought to have originated from bats held in...
by Caroline Cousins | Mar 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
We merrily go through life with expectations across our relationships, from business to personal, so it is something that applies to us all at varying degrees. If we buy a loaf of bread, we expect it to be fresh and well-made. If we engage the services of a...
by Caroline Cousins | Sep 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
I recently watched an excellent documentary on TV about body builders. I was gripped by the dedication and motivation to which these fitness devotees pumped their body in the gym for hours on end, day in and day out, in search of the ‘perfect’ physique, and it got me...
by Caroline Cousins | Jan 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
When something first gets discovered it’s given a label which represents the energy of that event/discovery/experience, at that moment in time. For example, when the whole hippie-fuelled, flower-power awakening emerged, in the 1960s, it was labelled “new age”, and...
by Caroline Cousins | Nov 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
As I got myself deeply involved in another client session with a particular favourite client of mine the other day, we got to talking about how she applies her spiritual practices in her daily life and then she said, “I am grateful for this but…”. “Stop right there!”,...